Glentronics Pump — Garrett Technologies, Inc.

More Case Studies



We developed the Glentronics pump notification program, including the development, testing, release and support of a system to communicate status of a pump using Wi-Fi that communicates to a back-end cloud IoT provider, notifying the user of system events.


  • Detailed requirement use case capture

  • Finalize technical approach

  • IoT architecture and design

  • Electrical engineering / PCB Layout

  • Schematic / PCB analog board

  • Mechanical/step file integration

  • Embedded software development

  • Web server-based configuration and provisioning

  • Integration into assemblies for testing and evaluation

  • Verification and testing (iPhone / iPod, Android, PC and MAC browsers)

  • FCC part 15 testing

  • UL file updates

  • Transfer to manufacturing

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