Explosion Of Interconnected Devices

Current Design Includes An Explosion of Blue Tooth LE (BLE) Applications

There has been an explosion of awesome BLE applications for games, sporting goods, medical devices, sensors, wire replacement and more. BLE transmits less data over shorter distances using much less power than Bluetooth. BLE Chips and modules with integrated processors and memory are now capable of supporting sophisticated applications all while using very low power at low cost.

This is allowing single chip sensor solutions with coin cells in very compact packages. Using the phone as the interface, interactive experience based applications and games can be rapidly developed, including integration with cloud based interactivity.

BLE is replacing wires in unexpected embedded applications, where the operation of BLE is completely hidden from the user. In these applications, remote sensors that in the past were wired, are now being made wireless using standard Bluetooth LE stacks, instead of complex proprietary stacks.

One of the key enabling technologies of using a BLE solution is over the air firmware upgrade, allowing field issue resolution, and the ability to add new features in deployed devices.
